AppiMade is a service dedicated to small android and indie developers, Totally Free App Store, if you have an app that is under 128 MB, and you want somewhere to store it, to showcase to the world, and let people download it, this is the place, you can also just send in a link to where your App is at, and give it a bit more advertising.

Just get an account and start uploading straight away,  once signed In, you will be able to access the members menu, click the Upload App button and you will be taken to the Upload Form, fill it in and send, all apps will first be reviewed and tested, after that a page will be added to our list.

Currently 1,874 Registered Users

Brush Up On Your Periodic Table, Play Element Tray Now Available to play online, click on the picture to Play.

If you are from Vietnam you can now read the review on Element Tray at

If you like the site and believe in what were doing, and would like to show your support we have a donate button, Thanks.
